Case Study

A girl that came to Keren expressed that she felt she had nothing in her life, and she would only get out of bed in order to meet her key worker that Keren set her up with.

Case Study – Girl 21

A girl came to Keren having previously been diagnosed with bipolar and depression. She had ongoing suicidal ideation. As she was very different from her family, there was a lot of friction at home which increased her pain. It was disclosed that she had previously suffered abuse.

She expressed that she felt she had nothing in her life, and she would only get out of bed to meet her key worker set up by Keren. Alongside signposting to appropriate therapy, she received ongoing support, guidance and consistency from Keren. Three years on she now lives independently, has a job, has a good relationship with her family and is strong and healthy within herself.

Case Study – Girl 13

A girl came into Keren with general anxiety and was struggling with her schoolwork. She felt embarrassed to talk to her friends and teachers and was suffering from panic attacks. Keren set her up with a mentor who gave her the space to express her concerns, encourage her and help to build her self-esteem. Through her mentor, she was able to express her anxiety about her studies, and this led to Keren working with her parents and school to set her up with educational support that enabled her to thrive. She has now finished sitting her GCSE’s and is looking forward to beginning her A-Levels while continuing to enjoy her time with her mentor weekly.

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