Keren Statistics

There are currently over 60 active girls engaging in Keren services. 27 have key workers and 34 have mentors.

There are currently over 60 active girls engaging in Keren services. 27 have keyworkers and 34 have mentors.

We have 12 active keyworkers, and 32 Mentors volunteering for Keren

We have received referrals for girls that attend 10 different orthodox girls’ schools and across 3 local authorities. 

We have a waiting list of over 20 girls, with a lead time of between 2-4 months.

Since Keren began in 2018, we have received over 130 referral calls.

Keren recieves referrals from parents, extended family members, schools, therapists, CAMHs, local authories, as well as self referrals from girls themselves.

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